Benefits of Hydrotherapy

  • To reduce inflammation, swelling, stiffness and pain in warm water
  • To improve the range of motion in joints using buoyant walking/reduced weight bearing techniques
  • To boost circulation and shorten healing times with the help of hydrostatic pressure
  • To improve muscle tone and strength using the resistance of water
  • To improve cardiovascular fitness and develop confidence in movement post surgery/injury
  • How Does It Work (the science bit…)

    Relief from pain – the water used during hydrotherapy treatment should be between 28 and 32 degrees in order to be therapeutic.  The warmth of the water enhances the circulation of the blood to the muscles.  The effect of the warm water and the enhanced circulation relaxes the muscles and therefore helps to reduce pain.  Water temperature is essential for opening blood vessels and therefore promoting muscle movement.  Buoyancy also helps to give relief from pain as the patient is not load bearing on any limbs whilst in the water.  This helps to enable movement as the patient is not dealing with the usual pain it would experience from movement i.e. walking on the ground in the usual way, and therefore the patient may find it easier to extend and flex limbs without experiencing the impact.

    Reduction from swelling and stiffness – hydrostatic pressure applied by the water can help to reduce swelling, and therefore stiffness, by causing a movement of bodily fluid away from the affected area instead of into it.  As the relief from pain helps to increase the ability to exercise the limb, this further enhances circulation.

    Improved cardiovascular fitness – general fitness will always improve with exercise, but this can be difficult for a patient experiencing pain with movement.  By enabling a patient to do controlled exercise in a hydrotherapy treadmill, with the relief from pain already described this will increase the patients heart rate at a steady rate, which if done regularly will improve cardio vascular fitness.

    Muscle strength – Hydrotherapists work with muscles not skeletons.  The controlled, steady and repetitive movement performed during regular hydrotherapy sessions will gradually start to restore, strengthen and maintain muscle.   The key word here is regular.  One session will not have much impact on muscle strength, it is very important to maintain sessions, if possible numerous times per week, every week to allow steady improvement – particularly during the rehabilitation stage of treatment.  Improvement is monitored by measuring muscle mass, observing gait pattern and noting changes to stamina levels.

    Joint mobilisation – as muscle strength improves, range of motion will also improve and this is always the main aim of hydrotherapy treatment.  Hydrotherapy is about treating the muscles so that they can in turn provide good support for damage to joints, whether that be through injury, subsequent surgical procedures or degenerative joint conditions.

    Increased mental stimulation – an unwell patient who is experiencing pain when moving will be less inclined to try and stay mobile.  This can often mean no longer be able to go for a walk or participate in the multitude of activities that stimulates them, whether it’s playing with a toy, running around the garden or simply sitting and looking out of the window.  This can lead to lethargy and even depression.  The stress factors of pain also have an impact on mental health as pain experienced over a long period of time can release stress related hormones which can affect metabolism, neurological responses and the immune system.  Pain can also affect appetite, cause muscle fatigue and slow down the healing process.  Hydrotherapy therefore not only helps to reduce pain, swelling and stiffness, but it also gives the patient an activity to concentrate on, and the interaction with the centre and staff can have a positive benefit on the patients state of mind.  And the owners too!


  • Cranial cruciate ligament injuries & post surgery rehabilitation
  • Osteoarthritis/Degenerative joint disease
  • Dysplasia (elbows and hips)
  • Spinal conditions & post surgery rehabilitation
  • Neurological conditions
  • Fitness & weight management
  • Orthopaedic conditions


    Nutritional Advice At Lancashire Canine Hydrotherapy – We offer nutrition advice and weight loss programmes in addition to rehabilitation.

    Obesity is in itself a medical condition and can be due to underlying issues however a lot of the time it may due to poor diet, over feeding or as a result of poor mobility.

    Osteoarthritis can very often be the cause of weight gain due to a dogs reduced mobility (pain related).  However conversely obesity can cause osteoarthritis to get worse.

    It is absolutely critical that owners seek veterinary advice if their dog gains weight over a short period of time, shows signs of pain doing day to day tasks or demonstrates any change in behaviour – even the smallest thing may be significant.

    We are guided by Canine Arthritis Management and advise owners to spend some time looking at the website to get more information and guidance on how to effectively manage the condition.

    Nutrition consultations are included in every hydrotherapy assessment, however if you would like specific help with nutrition and weight management please do get in touch.


    About Us

    Lancashire Canine Hydrotherapy offers aquatic treadmill treatment sessions in Bury, Lancashire.  As a Canine Hydrotherapy Association (CHA) accredited centre, we are Vet Referral Only.  What does that mean?  It means that you can have the peace of mind that your hydrotherapist is qualified, the water is clean and safe and that your centre adheres strictly to the quality standards set out by the governing body, the CHA.

    There is a state of the art Tudor treadmill so we can deliver outstanding rehabilitation in a controlled and professional environment.

    Our experienced hydrotherapist, Jen, will tailor a programme specifically for the needs of your dog, working with you to understand any limitations, resource challenges, time constraints and concerns.  We do not use a “one size fits all” approach.

    We have a safe, quiet space, using kind, patient and positive reward-based techniques which help to reassure even the most nervous dogs (and their owners!)

    About Jen

    Jen has been working in the industry for 7 years and qualified at Hawksmoor in Warwickshire.  Jen has a cocker spaniel called Oliver who is in his senior years (nearly 14 but don’t tell him, he still thinks he’s a puppy).  Alongside her hydrotherapy qualification, Jen also holds a certificate in canine nutrition which supports greatly the assessments, and also the rehabilitation plans that are put in place for each dog we see.  Jen is a double Ironman Triathlete and she has trekked to Everest Base Camp and summitted Mount Kilimanjaro.  Jen fractured her spine in 2012 in a motorbike accident and, following neurosurgery, had hydrotherapy as part of her own long and painful rehabilitation.  This combined with her passion for dogs, and helping people, led her down the route of becoming a hydrotherapist.

    About the Centre

    The Centre was established this summer, with all of the work being done by Jen and her husband Simon, along with the help of some local companies and of course friends.  Jen has taken every bit of experience she has to build a hydrotherapy centre that will hopefully be of the highest standard, and that despite the reasons for coming to it (often the very worst of times for dog owners as some of the conditions and injuries we treat can be life changing for both the dog and the owner), it will still be a positive experience for everyone. Jen has listened to what owners want and what they find important, and will continue to do so – this is your centre, not ours.

    Please take a moment to read our reviews, these should give any worried owners some reassurance.


    Initial Assessments

    75 minutes

    Rehabilitation Session

    30-40 minutes

    Maintenance Session

    30 minutes ...

    Fitness / Weight Management

    30 minutes